Christmas Fete

Here, the holidays are in full force. This whipped feta is like a tasty ornament in a dish. Smooth, creamy, and slightly sweet, with a salty tang. Topped with candied almonds, orange zest, pomegranate seed, and fresh thyme. It’s beautiful. So Christmasy.

This recipe is also the throw-together-in-a-pinch, oh-my-you-forgot-that-neighborhood-gathering-was-tonight, don’t-have-anything-made, still-want-to-wow-them type dish. This is the perfect late-night snack or appetizer. Set it up early on the table so that your guests will keep finding excuses to come back for just one more dip.

Everybody needs to have a recipe such as that for the holidays. We can’t get enough of this recipe.

How to Make Whipped Feta

We can’t stop adding a simple whipped cheese to everything like these harissa stuffed meatballs or this crispy feta. We wanted to use the rich, creamy, slightly salty, bitey whipped feta we love and add some honey drizzled on top. Who doesn’t love toppings?! This gal is easy to put together.

  1. Whip it up. Put the Honey, garlic, cream cheese, and feta in your food processor. Process until smooth.
  2. Make it look fancy. Once you’ve transferred it into a bowl, give it two swoops to make it look nice. Then, dear readers, enjoy. At. It. What would you like to throw on top? Everything? Good. We want a pomegranate, which is a festive fruit. And we also love some orange zest. We love walnut crispies, and we know you will, too.

It’s really that simple. You can break it down into steps to make it look like you worked hard to prepare this delicious and beautiful thing. You didn’t have to! It’s our little secret.

Toppings Galore!

Let’s celebrate the abundance this holiday season with our favorite love language: toppings! You can adjust the sweetness of this dip to suit your taste. We have also tried it with goat’s cheese, which is a bit less salty but just as delicious (we salt-hogs are always feta lovers…can’t help, won’t stop).

Then, let your imagination run wild. Make it delicious and beautiful. The bright red pomegranate seed is the perfect little juicy burst, and the fresh green thyme leaves are a great way to add flavor while keeping the dish on theme. Orange zest adds a nice zing to the plate, and those crispies with walnuts are heavenly. If you’re looking for something quick and easy, then you can use store-bought candy nuts. But if you have time to make them yourself, they will be sprinkled on everything.

It’s like decorating a Christmas tree, but the best part is that you can eat it at the end.

What to Serve with this Dip

Grab your favorite crackers, store-bought crostini, or big hunky bread. Grab your big chunky bread or your favorite crackers. You can also use apple slices, pretzel chips, or even sneak a spoonful when no one’s looking.

It’s a recipe that can be adapted to your needs. You can use as little or as many ingredients as you want. It’s a real meet-you-where-you’re-at type of holiday recipe, and those really are the best, aren’t they?

This salty-sweet dip will make any table look festive, no matter where it is placed.


Feta Dip

  •  One can find out more about this by clicking here. 8 Block of -ounce feta cheese
  •  1 Small clove. You can also find out more about the following: You can use half the amount if you are sensitive to garlic.
  •  2 Ounces cream cheese
  •  2 Tablespoons Honey


  •  Pomegranate seeds
  •  Candied nuts
  •  Thyme leaves
  •  Freshly ground black Pepper
  •  Orange or lemon zest


  1. In a food processor, pulse feta, honey, garlic, and cream cheese until smooth. Transfer the mixture to a plate, and use a spoon for some decorative swoops.
  2. Add pomegranate, candied nut, thyme, black pepper freshly ground, zest, and Honey.

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